Sunday, September 30, 2007


Day 1

Well now that I've spent a day here and am about to go to dinner I thought I start of this blog with a description of my host families house but I'd rather wait with that till i have pictures and that will have to wait till I fill up my camera amd find a internet cafe that will let me install the needed software and upload the pictures so it will probably be a few days. But till then I thought i would fill up some space with my list of things want to see in the next few days as well as a few long term plans.

Tommorow's Plan

My first Spanish class

A tour of the Jade Museum which includes a replica Maya jade mine, processing facility, a Mayan culture exhibit and presumably a huge gift shop since the tour is suposedly free.

My first traditional local lunch and diner*

Buy a mobile phone

Find a place that sells toilet paper**

Chill with people from the spanish school

So know a few explanations

* I get 3 meals a day 6 days a week from my host family but on sunday I have to fend for my self. Since today was my first day I got a freebie for breakfast, pancakes and watermelon and papaya which was tasty by the way. And last night i got to watch everbody else eat frijoles and eat a chinese noodle soup from a pack because my Gringo stomach needs to settle in gently. But starting tommorow I eat what my host family eats.

** Sounds easy right, but in a town where people talk about THE Supermarket it's not so simple I looked out for it while I was exploring to day but didnt see any so tommorow I ask at the spanish school or go questing for it depending on my mood, and how much i have left. As for THE Supermarket that was another thing i couldnt find today but since i hace to go there for the cell phone anyway i hope it's got TP as well and is easy to find. Although an epic quest for toilet paper does sound rather entertaining as long as I find it in the end.

Well thats it from me for today I'll be posting again soon.


Well yesterday I got to Antigua over Madrid and Guatemala Ciudad. So far so good I´m very happy with my host family.Aand the "house" is more like a small walled village but more on that next time that will be my first real post since after all the emails i just wrote I'm all typed out. Pay attention to this space though more will follow.